Sometimes, you may want use silk in your works to give them a « special » touch., but is difficult to find silk in market in degradee colours . Using microwave is a easy way to fix colours in silk ,and you can have the ones you want in few minutes using tools you have at home. It is cheap to use this method because silk can be dyed with a minimum quantity of dye.

We propose to experiment several ways to dye silk in order to obtain different textures and colors.
We will do that using materials and tools that we have at home, like citric or acetic acid and recycled plates.
We will work with acid dyes, because are so easy to find in a lot of suppliers, and also easy to use.
Working this way you can have dyed silk in few minutes without an infrastructure. You only need a microwave, a plate, citric acid and plastic.
First of all we will do some exercises with the same kind of silk (ponge), so you can see different textures with the same quality, because every kind of silk has different results, and we will see it after that.
You will learn how to do a degrade, shibori, two layers, …
We will bring some samples with us to show some works made with dyed silk.