Bookmark / Postcard

Bookmark / Postcard

Each of this book mark is a small unique work. They are made mixing canvas acrylic painted by ourselves, scraps of silk and other commercial fabrics. The special touch is given by small pieces of trimmings, samples and found things. Everything is sewn on a cardboard...


Subtle as Posidonia, Mediterranean algae, these bracelets are like the sea weed, get caught in the wrist to decorate. [slideshow effect=»sliceDownLeft» width=»675″...
Mixed media

Mixed media

Prints made in mixed media: illustration with watercolors, markers and colors, acrylic on paper, fabric and stitching machine. Each of these works is unique. They have are standard sizes, so you can frame them with frames that can be found in stores.


From the Stitched lace Collection, that comes from experimentation, the play of colors and textures and knowledge acquired over the years with silk, both with brush and needle. [slideshow effect=»sliceDownLeft» width=»675″...


Silk serves as a support to paint these pieces that can be used for different purposes. We choose light, strong and soft silks that can be used like foulard. [slideshow effect=»sliceDownLeft» width=»675″...
Tapestries and headboards

Tapestries and headboards

Each one of these tapestries and headboards are made from one of our painted scarves or panels. We prepare the silk getting a combining fabric around it like a kind of “frame”. [slideshow effect=»sliceDownLeft» width=»675″...