Textile Art

In this section you will find a selection of our work.


My challenge when I create a piece is to interpret emotions and sensations and try to transfer them to the work. I like music a lot, and it accompanies me during most of the day. I have an eclectic taste that makes me listen to very different styles. There are songs that can transport me to very different places or emotions. It’s one of my greatest sources of inspiration and many of my works are related to it.


As Constantin Kavafis’ poem Ithaca says, I am within the journey, hoping it will be long, and it will take me to many unknown places which will surprise me. I’m travelling, grateful to have the ability to keep on feeling thrilled.


Synesthesia is the joint perception of various sensations of different senses in the same act of perception, for example hear colors, see sound, etc… In this exhibition, we have worked “hearing” colors, so each work is associated with a color and a type of music.

Tast Tèxtil

We asked ourselves how it would be to capture the experience of savouring a menu d’auteur on a quilt. How to describe, using fabric, the texture of food, the tickling of the bubbles of a good cava or the sweet flavour of ratafía. The strength and volatility of nourishment, its transparency, its sweetness and bitterness.